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Join Rabbi Rachel Bearman and Rabbi Paul Kipnes as they restore the voices of biblical women and men who have not been given the opportunity to speak.

Korach Was Right
This midrash first appeared on Rabbi Bearman's website which can be accessed by clicking here. “They combined against Moses and Aaron and...

Waiting For Miriam
Are we the first to feel this powerful mix of longing, grief, and worry for loved ones who have been exiled by illness?

The Silent Servant Speaks about Esther
So often we read about how Queen Esther saved her people. Perhaps her strategic planning and execution of that plan had more far-reaching...

The Queens of Shushan
In this Midrashic Monologue, we allow Esther to explain in her own words how she understands & is inspired by the life and legacy of Vashti

Joseph and His Mothers' Blessing
In this week’s Torah portion, Vayigash, Joseph is reunited with his parents after years of separation. The Torah focuses on Joseph’s...

Mattathias and the Only Decision He Could Make
The Maccabean revolt began in 167 BCE when Mattathias, a Hasmonean priest, stepped forward and killed a Hellenist Jew - one of the...

Judith's Story
NOTE FROM MM: Because this Midrashic Monologue features characters who do not appear in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), we decided to begin...

Why Isaac Refused to Choose Between His Sons
In Torah, Isaac blesses Jacob, the second of his twins, only after his wife Rebecca arranges what appears to be an elaborate ruse to...

How Do You Know?
In this Midrashic Monologue, we join Isaac, Rebekah, and their twins for their evening meal. Imagining the questions these young boys...

Where was Sarah during the Akedah?
In Parashat Chayei Sarah (the life of Sarah), we learn that our biblical matriarch Sarah lived 127 years, she died, and Abraham purchased he

Sacrifice My Son Isaac? What Was I Thinking?
During and after the devastating events of Abraham’s almost-sacrifice of his son, Isaac, the Torah fails to provide insight into the...

Sisters: A New Story of Leah and Rachel
In this Midrashic Monologue, we reimagine the moments after Leah gave birth to her first child, Reuven. In both the Torah and most of the...

Hannah and Peninah
In the Haftarah portion for Rosh Hashanah, we are introduced to Hannah and Peninah, two wives of Elkanah. These women are depicted in...

We Will Be The Turning Point
In the book of Genesis, Joseph and the pharaoh he served are depicted as a team so effective that they were able to safeguard Egypt...

Zipporah's Fire
In Bamidbar (the Book of Numbers), Zipporah seems to fade away until, ultimately, she no longer appears in the story...

Tirzah, Zelophechad’s daughter, and the Plague of Darkness
We meet the daughters of Zelophechad again in this week’s Torah Portion, Pinchas, and watch as they convince Moses and God to overturn...

A Woman. A Lover. A Human Being.
In this week’s Torah Portion, #Balak, Kozbi is introduced and then murdered within the span of three verses. In this Midrashic Monologue,...

With the Priestly Blessing, Aaron Finds Forgiveness
I will forever remember the moment when forgiveness flowed, compassion triumphed, and holiness showered me like an unexpected rainstorm....

Boaz's Reflections
In this Midrashic Monologue, we listen as Boaz reflects on the day he met Ruth and the lives that they have built together.

Orpah's Name
We know very little from the Hebrew Bible about Orpah other than that she was the daughter-in-law of Naomi and sister-in-law of Ruth.
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